Heartwood Turning
from the
Stables Studio

Our Services

" I try to work with sustainably sourced wood, to enhance the beauty that nature has already grown into it"

Brian J Ousby

About us
The Stables Studio is the home of Brian J Ousby of heartwood Turning, where
Brian designs and creates bespoke wood turned pieces in a well appointed workshop.
You will be made welcome by Michelle and Brian whether you come to Learn, Purchase or just Visit.

Currently offering Individual or Group lessons. Brian is a qualified AWGB Tutor and a member of the Register of Professional Turners. Brian will be delighted to help start your turning journey or improve your current turning skills

Commissions & Sales
Brian is the Designer and Creator of Bespoke hand crafted artistic and Gallery pieces of Unique wood turned Art. Where possible created from sustainable pieces of wood. Although some resin, colour and texture is added to enhance the wood when it is needed.

Brian is currently offering Interactive remote demonstrations (IRD's) using a Zoom format. Also in person Demonstrations at your club. more information,